Are you aware that almost half of US adults (40%) are obese and almost 20% of children fall into the obesity category? Obesity is defined as someone who has a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30% or higher. The amount of American adults that fall into the overweight/obesity category has toppled 70%. Yikes!
Being a post-menopausal woman myself, I understand how easy it is to put on extra pounds, especially as we age. I live an active WFPB (whole-food, plant-based) lifestyle, and I still allowed myself to gain an extra 8-10 pounds simply by getting sloppy with my eating habits. I finally drew a line in the sand a couple of months ago and decided to get rid of the extra pounds. I'm happy to report I've done that, without feeling hungry or deprived.
Let me be clear, this is not a diet. Die-ts don't work long-term. I know so many people who have done all kinds of diets & weight-loss programs, only to gain the weight back (and often more) once they get off the program. To achieve & maintain your optimal weight, a lifestyle change is necessary. What I've recently realized is that I simply cannot eat the same now at 65 years-young as I could 10 years ago. I've had to tweak because my metabolism is different now at this stage of my life.
I share my hacks here if you choose to shed some extra pounds and get back into those jeans that no longer fit. After you achieve your ideal weight, you can simply live a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle, with the emphasis being on whole-food.
Be patient with the process. Losing weight in a healthy way is not a quick fix. It's a process. But it is sustainable and health-producing! Also, hold yourself accountable or get an accountability partner - and give yourself grace! Joining my monthly virtual classes is a great way to support yourself in the journey - and be held accountable!
Being a post-menopausal woman myself, I understand how easy it is to put on extra pounds, especially as we age. I live an active WFPB (whole-food, plant-based) lifestyle, and I still allowed myself to gain an extra 8-10 pounds simply by getting sloppy with my eating habits. I finally drew a line in the sand a couple of months ago and decided to get rid of the extra pounds. I'm happy to report I've done that, without feeling hungry or deprived.
Let me be clear, this is not a diet. Die-ts don't work long-term. I know so many people who have done all kinds of diets & weight-loss programs, only to gain the weight back (and often more) once they get off the program. To achieve & maintain your optimal weight, a lifestyle change is necessary. What I've recently realized is that I simply cannot eat the same now at 65 years-young as I could 10 years ago. I've had to tweak because my metabolism is different now at this stage of my life.
I share my hacks here if you choose to shed some extra pounds and get back into those jeans that no longer fit. After you achieve your ideal weight, you can simply live a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle, with the emphasis being on whole-food.
Be patient with the process. Losing weight in a healthy way is not a quick fix. It's a process. But it is sustainable and health-producing! Also, hold yourself accountable or get an accountability partner - and give yourself grace! Joining my monthly virtual classes is a great way to support yourself in the journey - and be held accountable!
- Drink at least ½ of your weight in ounces of water per day, more if you sweat. Your urine should be no darker than pale yellow.
- Drink 2-3 cups of organic green tea daily. Sweeten only with stevia or monk fruit.
- Coffee is allowed but only use vegan creamer such as plain unsweetened almond or coconut creamer. Sweeten with stevia if needed. If you make your own lattes, I suggest making your own milk. Recipe: Soak ¾ cup of raw almonds in warm water for 20 minutes. Drain & add to 4 cups water, ½ cup unsweetened coconut, ¼ cup oats, pinch of salt, & 2 dates. Blend on high for a minute or until smooth. Press through a nut milk bag. Will last for 4-5 days in fridge!
- Avoid all other beverages except hibiscus tea or other decaf teas such as ginger, peppermint, etc. Only sweeten with stevia or monk fruit. Drink teas in-between meals.
- No snacking in-between meals. If you are hungry in-between, drink some water or tea. Distract yourself with work, or a walk, or talking with someone on the phone.
- Eat a small apple before your meal if you are prone to overeat.
- Eat at least a clove of garlic daily. Try chopping it up & putting it on your salad. If raw garlic bothers you, roast it in the oven.
- Eliminate flour. Choose whole intact grains instead. Make Dr. Deb’s GF waffles & keep them in the freezer to pop in the toaster.
- Prefer quinoa, millet, buckwheat & amaranth over more starchy grains.
- Make a big salad your main dish. Eat it first and then any cooked foods.
- Make your own salad dressings using nuts or seeds in lieu of oils. Limit your dressings to only a drizzle on your salad. Add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar.
- Eat 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds daily (can top salad with this or put on top of fresh fruit.)
- Eat ¼ cup of fresh walnuts or almonds per day. No more!
- No fried food – use an air fryer instead! You can sauté in vegetable broth or water.
- Practice intermittent fasting daily (for at least 5 days per week) & limit your eating to a window of 8-10 hours (preferably 8). Finish eating at least 3 hours prior to bedtime!
- Eat a whole-food plant-based diet including:
- At least 2 servings of fruit per day of your choosing. A serving is one piece such as an apple, orange, etc. Avoid high glycemic fruits such as melons & tropical fruits such as pineapple, mangoes, bananas, etc.
- At least 7 servings of vegetables per day. The more the better! A serving is ½ cup of dense vegetables such as carrots or 1 cup of leafy veggies such as lettuce. Choose dark greens such as spinach, romaine lettuce, kale, etc.
- Eliminate all meat, cheese, dairy. You can use unsweetened plant milks such as almond, oat, soy, etc. if needed.
- Load up on fiber-rich foods.
- Avoid sugar. Limit salt!
- Practice mindful eating – pay attention to how things taste – appreciate the flavors – be present with people as you eat – chew slowly!
In a perfect world, we wouldn't need supplements. We don't live in a perfect world! I have found that there are certain supplements that can accelerate your weight-loss journey. Please click on the link to schedule a complimentary 15-minute session to discuss which supplements might work for you to equip you for success.

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