Healthy Eating & Living!
We believe a holistic view to health is key. These are the foundations that are important in living a vibrant lifestyle!
EAT to HEALEating a whole-foods, colorful, plant-based diet is the key to living in vitality. You can literally color your way to health with good nutrition! We make it affordable, appetizing and easy. Food is meant for fuel, not fun. We show you how to nourish your body with the ideal fuel and make it fun!
HYDRATE to HEALAs adults our body is comprised of approximately 60% water. Every cell in our body needs water to operate effectively. Hydration is key to a healthy body. There are a number of ways to hydrate properly. It is estimated that 75% of adults are chronically dehydrated. Your goal is straw colored urine. Anything darker indicates you aren't getting enough water. We teach you how to hydrate properly.
MOVE to HEALThe body needs movement. I love this cartoon because it boils down how important exercise is for our health. Many people get hung up on what type of exercise they should be doing. I say the best exercise is the one you will do. Get a buddy and make it fun. As the Nike™ commercial states, when it comes to exercise,
"Just do it!" |
REST to HEALThe body has to have adequate rest and sleep to be healthy. It is estimated that at least 1 in 3 deals with some insomnia. In our fast paced digital world, resting is becoming more & more difficult. The body performs many restorative functions during sleep. Adequate sleep is good for your body and your emotional health. We help you get the rest you need.

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God's Ideal Food |
Gen 1:29: Then God said, "Here! Throughout the whole earth I am giving you as food every seed-bearing plant and every tree with seed-bearing fruit." |
People often ask me what is one thing they can do to improve their health. The single most important thing that I can recommend to improve the quality of your life and to prevent disease, is to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables (organic if possible.) There have been thousands of studies done on the subject of health and disease prevention that demonstrate that fruits and vegetables are crucial in the prevention of disease. Unfortunately most Americans fall severely short of doing this simple thing. Ideally we should eat at least 9-13 servings per day. Here's what a serving looks like:
Power up on produce!